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13. Todd-AO
70mm-Festival |
Wiederaufführung der
Sprachfassung in
restaurierter 4K
Schauburg Cinerama
Press Bureau
Am Vorabend unseres
präsentieren wir den
Film erstmals in
einer digitalen
4K-Version, die von
einer original
abgetastet und
hochwertig digital
restauriert wurde.
Zu unserer
Sondervorstellung am
21. September um 20
Uhr erwarten wir
prominente Gäste,
die maßgeblich bei
der Entstehung des
Films beteiligt
waren. |
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival. 30. September - 2. October, 2016
By Born & Hauerslev
We have launched the 12th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held from 30. September - 2. October, 2016
at the Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. Come and
enjoy the world of LARGE FORMAT film. From vintage
classics to the latest Roadshow 70mm films, all of which
proudly carry trade names of large format motion picture
processes. Join us and be part of this unique event and
share the excitement together with visitors from all around
the world - including Austria, Switzerland, Holland,
Germany, Denmark, England, USA, Japan, Sweden and France -
and many more.
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Todd-AO Festival Film Introductions, 2016
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Picture gallery from 12th Todd-AO Festival
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7OMM allerdings ein verdammt guter
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70MM is a Pretty Good Reason -
Foreword for 2016 |
allerdings ein verdammt guter Grund
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Für die Leser
dieser Festivalbroschüre sind 7OMM allerdings ein verdammt guter
Grund. Um dem Slogan aus „The Hateful Eight“ von Quentin
Tarantino gerecht zu werden, habe ich sie für das 12.
Todd-AO-Festival etwas überarbeitet. Natürlich gibt es eine
ganze Reihe guter Gründe, um die schöne Stadt Karlsruhe zu
besuchen, für uns Festivalbesucher ist jedoch nichts so wichtig
wie 7OMM |
is a Pretty Good Reason - Foreword for 2016
By Thomas Hauerslev
For the readers of
this Festival Brochure, 7OMM
is a pretty good reason. To honor the catch phrase from
Quentin Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight", I have re-written it
mildly for the 12th Todd-AO Festival. Of course, there are
plenty of good reasons for going to the beautiful city of
Karlsruhe, but for we festival guests, nothing matters like 7OMM |
Festival Film Introductions, 2016
By Wolfram
On this weekend I
would like to invite you to Minnie's Haberdashery, which the Hateful
Eight will turn into a Little Shop of Horrors during the course of an
evening, while some Gorillas in the Mist are tracked down by Dick Tracy
during his Hunt for Red October.
• Go to
Wolfram Hannemanns's
in70mm.com Library |

• Go to
13. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival |
& Jan Harlan goes to Karlsruhe
By Thomas Hauerslev
Jan Harlan will introduce a digital screening of "2OO1: A Space Odyssey" on
September 29th, at the Schauburg. Jan have flown over from London especially
to be with us that night. Throughout the weekend, we are quite sure, that
"2OO1" in 2K, surely will be a topic of passionate discussions among the
audience and 7OMM fans alike. Hopefully there will be no extremely odd
things going on, and "2OO1" will look and sound better than ever. Please
welcome Jan Harlan with us at the Schauburg.
• Go to
Schnitzled-up with Jan Harlan in Karlsruhe |
7OMM is to Johan Wolthuis
By Thomas Hauerslev
Johann Wolthuis has been crucially instrumental in reviving world wide
interest in 70mm. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that there might not
have been the same level of awareness and appreciation of the 70mm format
without his tireless dedication, advocacy and enthusiasm, which goes back
for over three decades. We who love 70mm and see it as the greatest and
grandest medium for the moving image of them all, owe him a great deal. He
speaks most eloquently for us all. |
notes from Karlsruhe
By Anders M Olsson
Last time I was in Karlsruhe, two
years ago, was very heavy on German films and German dubbed prints. This
year they were back to their usual mix of German and English prints. I have
no problem to sit through a film dubbed in German, even though I don't
understand it all. If it's a good film that I haven't seen before, it only
means that I'll have to revisit it later on, on DVD or Blu-ray. |
 The Widest Story Ever Told
Von Christian Appelt
Am 12. Oktober 1956 präsentierte MGM Camera 65 im Rahmen
der SMPTE-Konferenz in einer Demonstrationsvorführung. Douglas
Shearer und Robert Gottschalk von Panavision stellten die
Flexibilität des Formats heraus. “Vom Standpunkt des Produzenten
aus ist die Wahlmöglichkeit des endgültigen Verleihformats
einer der Vorzüge dieses 65-mm-Verfahrens” |

Go to
The Widest Story Ever Told |

• Go to
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2015
• Go to
Cinerama, Karlsruhe, Germany
Go to Schauburg Cinerama, Picture
Presentation |
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2015
By Born & Hauerslev
We have launched the 11th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held from 9 - 11 October 2015 at the Schauburg
Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. For three days in October
Filmtheater Schauburg celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film,
by offering a series of epic films in 70mm - the HD of film
formats. |
at the Schauburg. Todd-AO Festival Report
By Thomas Hauerslev
Every year in October a group of around 200 people meet in a cinema in
Baden-Württemberg, in the south of Germany. A large part of the audience
comes from Germany of course, but there are guests from all over Europe, the
United States and as far away as Japan. What are they doing? They are
watching classic 70MM films, many of which they often have seen many times
before. |
The music of
By Udo Heimansberg
The music for BATTLE OF THE
BULGE was his only score recorded in full stereophonic sound- and also his
last one! In 1967 Warner records published a soundtrack album featuring the
original recordings, but only about 40 minutes of music, including the
infamous “Tank Men's Song”. The LP quickly disappeared, became a collector's
item sold at high prices. There was a Japanese Vinyl re-issue in the 80s and
a CD in the 90s, also from Japan. Beside a long playing record of “THE NIGHT
OF THE IGUANA” no other works by Benjamin Frankel were available- until
1998! |
Annakin. Director in Todd-AO and Ultra Panavision 70
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Doch was die
Entscheidung angeht, die „Fliegenden Kisten“ in Todd-AO zu drehen, so war dies
einfach die logische Wahl. Es war damals das größte Filmformat und ich wusste,
dass ich die Leinwand mit vielen Menschen und Flugzeugen füllen wollte. Wirklich
beeindruckend sind nun diese winzigen Flugzeuge in einem riesigen leeren Himmel,
und das erreicht man nur mit 70mm. |
the button Max!"
By Thomas
All this in 70MM would not be the same without the
Schauburg with its rich history, red curtains and curved screen. From
the box-office lady
who welcomes you in
a friendly voice, to
the rare GONG before
the film begins, or
the exhibited DP70
projector in the
foyer. |
aufs Knöpfchen,
Von Thomas
All dies in 70mm wäre nicht dasselbe ohne die Schauburg mit ihrer
ereignisreichen Vergangenheit, den roten Vorhängen und der gekrümmten
Leinwand. Von der Dame an der Kasse, die sie freundlich begrüßt, bis zum
seltenen GONG zu Vorführungsbeginn oder dem ausgestellten DP70-Projektor
im Foyer. |
Festival Film
Introductions, 2015
By Wolfram
Welcome to the 11th
Todd-AO 70mm film
festival. With our
intros we want to
give our projection
team enough time to
perfectly lace up
those big, wide
rolls of film in our
DP70. Beware! It
will be one of the
most colourful
festivals we had in
recent years. That
means that we won’t
be just treated to
red or magenta, but
to real colours –
thanks to two brand
new 70mm prints, two
Orwo prints and two
post 1982 prints.
But don’t panic: you
will also be able to
see those unique
faded prints as
well! You see, we
got everything
covered! |
Gold" at the Schauburg
Cinerama Press Release
Schauburg Cinerama and in70mm.com are proud to announce a rare presentation
of a Carl Foreman production of a J. Lee Thomson film "MacKenna's Gold" from
1969 on Thursday 8. October, 2015. The film will presented in 35mm
Technicolor and 4-track magnetic stereo. This screening is our farewell
tribute to Egyptian actor Omar Sharif who played greatest film doctor of all
time. "MacKenna's Gold" was the pinnacle of his acting career in the '60s. |
Festival Preparations
By Born & Hauerslev
The Todd-AO Festival is due
to begin in a week from now. Here is a quick look behind the scenes about
all the preparations which goes into this remarkable weekend. Festival
planning actually starts a few days after the previous weekend has ended and
continues through the year. The first 70mm prints starts to arrive in early
August. Projection team are quality checking each reel of vintage 70mm film
which has been brought out of the freezers after many years in storage. |
Festival 70mm Film
By Wolfram
The 10th anniversary
program features
more colors than
just the „official Todd-AO pink“. Thanks to Sovscope! Obviousely
communism was able to succeed where capitalism failed – striking 70mm prints which do not fade. However, pink
will still be very present during this weekend, in various stages. A
fact that we all have to live with. At least we still get organic
material fed into our projectors at 24 frames per second as opposed to
zeros and ones coming from a hard drive. And I am sure that this is
exactly the reason we all are here for. |
from the 10th
Todd-AO Festival
See some snap shorts
from the Todd-AO
Festival at the
grand Schauburg
Cinerama cinema in
Karlsruhe, germany.
Gallery will be
updated evry day as
the festival
continues through
the weekend |
• Go to
70mm-Festival 2014 |
Cinerama Premieres
New "Oklahoma!" DCP
2. October 2014
By Born &
Zinnemann's beloved OSCAR winning musical "Oklahhoma!" (1955) will
have it's European DCP premiere at one of the most prestigious 70mm cinemas;
the Schauburg in Karlsruhe, Germany. It is a single screening of the new and
much anticipated digital 4K restoration of this classic musical by Rodgers &
Hammerstein. |
the Hateful Eight, here comes the Glorious Ten!!! - 70mm Foreword for
By Mark Lyndon
Wilkommen, Bien-venue, Welcome! Meine
Damen und Herren, Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to
write these words of welcome to the tenth Todd-AO Film Festival in what
promises to be a vintage year, here at the Schauburg Cinerama Theatre in
Karlsruhe. |
Sie „The Hateful Eight“, hier kommen die glorreichen Zehn!!!
Von Mark Lyndon
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome! Meine Damen und Herren, Ladies and
Gentlemen, es bereitet mir große Freude, diese Begrüßungsworte für das
zehnte Todd-AO-Filmfestival in diesem vielversprechenden Jahr hier in
der Schauburg in Karlsruhe zu schreiben. |
Todd-AO Festival,
See some snap shorts
from the Todd-AO
Festival at the
grand Schauburg
Cinerama cinema in
Karlsruhe, germany.
Gallery will be
updated evry day as
the festival
continues through
the weekend |
Displays from 10th
Todd-AO 70mm
Festival, 2014
Less than 100 films
were made in 65mm.
Still, those titles
acquired such an
aura of mystique,
that fans are flying
from around
the world to see
Here is a preview of
the famous poster
displays from the
Schauburg Cinerama
in Karlsruhe, as we
are approaching the
10th Todd-AO
Festival in October
2014 |
JAHRE. Der erste
70mm Panorama-Spielfilm
Ruth Pergen & Klaus
Der Mensch ist groß.
Aber wie schwer ist
es, seine Größe,
seine Größe in Leid
und in Freude, zu
erkennen und
schwerer noch zu
gestalten. Der
berühmte ukrainische
Schriftsteller und
Regisseur Alexander
Dowshenko besaß
diese Menschenliebe
und diese
Meisterschaft, in
all seinen Werken
dem Menschen ein
Denkmal zu setzen. |
Festival 70mm Film
By Wolfram
The 10th anniversary
program features
more colors than
just the „official Todd-AO pink“. Thanks to Sovscope! Obviousely
communism was able to succeed where capitalism failed – striking 70mm prints which do not fade. However, pink
will still be very present during this weekend, in various stages. A
fact that we all have to live with. At least we still get organic
material fed into our projectors at 24 frames per second as opposed to
zeros and ones coming from a hard drive. And I am sure that this is
exactly the reason we all are here for. |
Greatest Show in Todd-AO: Mission Report from Karlsruhe
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Todd-AO Festival at the Schauburg is not only pretzel,
sekt, schnitzel and Hoepfner's hefewize, it is indeed
about going to the movies in style. An experience all by itself.
Seeing the films at the Schauburg like seeing the films as they were originally presented -
in a big cinema, on a a huge curved screen with red curtains and a Gong.
It's all about showmanship and presentation, and very few cinemas do
it better than the staff of the Schauburg. |
Report from The 10th Todd-AO 70mm festival in Karlsruhe
By Johan Wolthuis
The beautiful Schauburg Theatre in Karlsruhe, was the place to be for 70mm
fans from all over the world. In the first weekend of October people from
Germany, England, Switzerland, Danemark, Austria, France, Tjech Republic,
the Netherlands and even an enthousiastic film student from Japan, came
especially to visit this famous film festival. With its unique program of
famous 70mm films presented on the large curved Cinerama screen. |
Lieder-Meine Träume"
in Germany
Udo Heimansberg
In the southern part of
Germany in the Frankfurt branch of 20th Century Fox
there was a guy who hated this end of the film and cut it off himself. A far
relative of Robert
Wise wrote to the producer/director
about this screening, and their reaction came immediately. The film was
completed again and there might have been only a handful of screenings at
the time. |
Todd-AO 70mm Festival
By Born & Hauerslev
The 9th “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held from 20 - 22 September 2013 at the Schauburg in
Karlsruhe, Germany. The festival celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT
film, by offering
a series of epic films projected on a curved screen in 70mm on vintage
and historically correct Philips DP70 and DP75 projectors. Some
films are in their original versions and some "70mm Vintage Classics",
are dubbed into German. |
By Born & Hauerslev
Welcome to the 9th Todd-AO
festival at the Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe. The international 70mm
Film Festival, which celebrates LARGE format films as they were meant to
be seen: IN 70MM on the CURVED screen. …and now, "Gong", start
projector, cue curtain, dim the lights, open dowser, focus, check
sound.....the show is running.........another unforgettable weekend at
the Schauburg! |
Von Born & Hauerslev
Herzlich willkommen beim 9. Todd-AO Festival in der Schauburg in
Karlsruhe! Das internationale 70mm-Filmfestival, wo Filme im GROSSFORMAT
so vorgeführt werden, wie es ursprünglich gedacht war: IN 70MM auf der
GEKRÜMMTEN Leinwand. ...Und jetzt: „Gong“, Projektor starten, Vorhang
auf, Beleuchtung dimmen, Blende auf, Scharfstellen, Soundcheck.....Film
ab.........Auf ein weiteres unvergessliches Wochenende in der Schauburg! |
Festival 2013 introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
Good morning, Widescreeners! According to
our mission statement that „we will show and watch everything, provided
that it is 70mm wide“, we have prepared another fine selection of
rarities and oddities that will make your hearts jump. And to be honest:
who cares about color, anyway? The wider the image, the better it
compensates for faded colors, doesn’t it? |
with Director of Photography Peter Rohe
By Gerhard Fromm
With regards to technology it was decided from the beginning to use the 70mm
format because the film would be shown on an extremely large screen. With 6
by 18 meters the screen is almost the size of that in a drive-in, but in
comparison the auditorium inside the BMW museum is relatively small. With a
capacity of 120 visitors you are directly sitting in front of grain and
Go to Interview mit Kameramann
Peter Rohe |
Die Geschichte des Todd-AO Projektors
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Heute haben die meisten Kinos auf digitale Vorführverfahren umgestellt
und der DP70 wird - wie auch alle anderen Filmprojektoren - nur noch
selten benötigt. In den meisten Kinos haben sie nun ausgedient, es gibt
jedoch ein paar rühmliche Ausnahmen wie etwa die Schauburg oder andere
70mm-Kinos. |
A Story of the Todd-AO Projector
By Thomas Hauerslev
Today, when most cinemas have converted to digital presentations, there is
less need for the DP70 – or any other film projector – and most of the
machines are now redundant, with notable exceptions such as the Schauburg,
and other 70mm venues. |
with Mr Hans-Kristian Bukholm
By Thomas Hauerslev
70mm really started with me when I was 14 years old and I saw David Lean’s
masterpiece “Lawrence of Arabia” at a small cinema in Bergen on the west
coast of Norway. Being able to count the grains of sand in the desert, that
was a major thing for me when I decided to become a cinematographer. |
By Born &
We invite
you to the 8th
Todd-AO festival,
the international
70mm festival which
celebrates LARGE
format films as they
were meant to be
seen: on the BIG
curved screen |
Festival Poster
Hauerslev's Photo
The colorful poster
displays for the
Todd-AO Festival is
always a joy to
behold, and 2012 is
no exception. Blue,
white, black, yellow
and red is a
combination that
spells CINEMA!! |
Master" - Die Deutschland-Premiere in Panavision Super 70
Von Clemens Scherer
Für eine Präsentation im Rahmen ihres 8. TODD-AO Festivals erhielt sie
kurzfristig und überraschend eine 70mm Kopie des neuen Films von Paul Thomas
Anderson. Auf diese Deutschlandpremiere von "The Master" konnte man sehr
gespannt sein. |
Interview with Mr Hans-Kristian Bukholm
By Thomas Hauerslev
70mm really started with me when I was 14 years old and I saw David
Lean’s masterpiece “Lawrence of Arabia” at a small
cinema in Bergen on the west coast of Norway. Being able to count the grains of sand in the
desert, that was a major thing for me when I decided to become a
cinematographer. |
70mm Film Maker Attending Schauburg's Todd-AO Festival
Hans Kristian Bukholm will introduce his 70mm short film "Svalbard -
Arctic Seasons" Sunday afternoon which is very rarely shown out side
Norway. There will be a q/a after the screening. |
70 Camera on Display in Schauburg
One of the original M.C.S.-70 Superpanorama cameras, originally made by
Jan Jacobsen in the early 1960s, will be on display during 8. Todd-AO
70mm-Festival 2012 on the Saturday and Sunday in the Schauburg foyer. |
Master" Presseheft
Von Schauburg
Ein eindrucksvolles Portrait von
Herumtreibern und Suchenden im Amerika der Nachkriegszeit, schildert den Weg
des Marine-Veterans
Freddie, der verstört und
orientierungslos aus dem Krieg zurückkehrt, bis er in den Bann einer
Bewegung namens „The Cause“ sowie ihres charismatischen Anführers Lancaster
Dodd. |
Master" goes to Karlsruhe for 70mm Festival
in70mm.com Newswire
Thomas Anderson's latest film "The Master" will be shown in 70mm at
one of Europe's most prestigious 70mm film festivals, the "Todd-AO Festival"
on Sunday October 7, 2012 at the Schauburg Cinerama cinema in Karlsruhe in
Germany. It is a single screening of one of the most anticipated films
of 2012.
• Go to
of "The Master" in 65mm |
Todd-AO Festival About to Begin
The bill board is ready, the posters are printed, the flyer are all over
town and the chandeliers have been cleaned. |
jeden etwas auf dem 7. Todd-AO 70mm Festival im Schauburg Filmtheater
Von Brian Guckian
Das diesjährige 70mm Festival lockte Gäste aus ganz Europa, einige kamen
sogar aus den USA angereist. Die Teilnehmer erhielten eine ausführliche
Festival-Broschüre, die den sowohl lehrreichen als auch unterhaltsamen
Aspekt des Festivals auswies, das für alle ernsthaften Freunde des
Filmes und des Kinos ein „Muss“ ist. |
Young 1900 - 1956
Von Udo Heimansberg
Victor Young wurde in Chicago in eine musikalische Familie hineingeboren-
seine Eltern waren viel auf Tournee und schickten den kleinen Victor 1906
nach Warschau zu den Großeltern. |
zu den dreharbeiten
Von "Lawrence von
Von Mike Fox
"Lawrence of Arabia" nach mehr als einem halbes Jahrhundert als
bestes Beispiel für
Wüstenfotografie in
der Geschichte des
Spielfilm gelten
kann. Ich wüßte
nicht, was ein
heutiger Kameramann
tun könnte, um das
zu schlagen oder
auch nur damit
gleichzuziehen. |

• Go
to "Samsara" is a Triumph of the Moving Image |
October 2011
By Born & Hauerslev
The 7th “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ is being
prepared at the Schauburg in Karlsruhe. A
majestic weekend in the splensour of 70mm on the
curved Cinerama screen. This year we are honored
by a visit by our special guest, acclaimed film
historian and OSCAR winner Mr. Kevin Brownlow,
who will give his exciting lecture about early
large format films |
Film introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
Variety is the spice of life. And variety is also
reflected in this year’s festival. We have it all! And
features quite a number of productions which haven’t
been shown before in this country! |
Todd-AO Festival Foreword
By/von Born / Hauerslev
we are proud to present our program. We welcome all of you, and hope you
will enjoy the 7th Todd-AO Festival. /
diesem Hintergrund präsentieren wir Ihnen mit Stolz unser Programm. Wir
heißen Sie alle herzlich willkommen und wünschen Ihnen viel Vergnügen beim
7. Todd-AO-Festival. |
jeden etwas auf dem 7. Todd-AO 70mm Festival in der
Filmtheater Schauburg
By Brian Guckian
This year’s 70mm festival drew visitors from all over
Europe, as well as further afield from the US. Attendees
received a comprehensive souvenir programme emphasising
how this is as much an educational event as it is an
entertaining one, and a must for anyone who is serious
about Cinema. |
Last Billboard Painter of Karlsruhe
By Herbert Born
We are proud to use Mr. Haas' skills on our facade.
Few cinemas have room for it, but we do, and the audience appreciate the
work he does
• Go to the gallery:
Mr. Haas - Billboard Painter of Karlsruhe, Germany |
Festival at the Schauburg FLYT
By Born & Hauerslev
Be amazed! Come and see 70mm in all it spectacular splendour and
"sharp as hell" quality - nothing beats 70mm as the best
possible way to experience motion pictures in a state of the art
cinema |
Brownlow @ the Schauburg
By Thomas Hauerslev
Kevin Brownlow gave his lecture to an enthusiastic
audience on a October Friday evening. The OSCAR winner
was warmly welcomed by the 70mm delegates, who all
enjoyed hearing about early large format presentations |
Brownlow Interview - Part 1
Von Mark Lyndon
Meine Mutter sagte, ich solle sofort nach Hause kommen – und das tat ich;
sie sagte, Abel Gance sei im NFT, er hätte gerade Kontakt aufgenommen. |
70mm Short Films
By Bill Kretzel
There is a long 70mm short-film tradition in Canada. In
this page, five films are presented with full credits
and background |
in der Schauburg
Dr. Peter
Für die Freunde des 70mm-Films findet die schönste
Bescherung des Jahres nicht im Dezember an Weihnachten statt, sondern Anfang
Oktober in der Schauburg. |
Hollywood ... hier spricht Anna!
Von Anna Rudschies
Ich werfe das Gepäck in eine Ecke,
ziehe mich um und haste zur Schauburg. Erst als ich vor
dem handgemalten Festivalposter stehe, auf dem die
wunderbaren Worte „70mm“, „Todd-AO“ und „Cinerama“
prangen, fällt die Anspannung von mir ab und verwandelt
sich in pure Freude. |
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
By Thomas Hauerslev
For three days in October Filmtheater Schauburg
celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film, by
offering a series of epic films in 70mm - the HD
of film formats. A variety of old 70mm films
with a GALA performance on Saturday evening.
Some films are in their original versions and
some, "70mm Vintage Classics", are dubbed into
German. |
Conrad visits 70mm Film Festival
By Thomas Hauerslev
Mr. Conrad was invited to Karlsruhe to attend the German 70mm premiere of
the "forgotten" 9th Cinerama film "The Golden Head". This was the first time
he saw the film - 45 years after the premiere. |
70mm Festival
Film Introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
On behalf of the Schauburg Cinerama Theatre it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 6. Todd-AO 70mm film festival to join us for our nostalgia trip in the splendor
of Todd-AO! |
 As Good As It Gets
By Anna Rudschies
Seitdem ich diese Kolumne plane, versuche ich, etwas Schlechtes am diesjährigen Festival zu finden. Der Fairness wegen. Lieber Herr Born … ich habe nichts finden können. Nobody does it better. |
Todd-AO Festival
By Thomas Hauerslev
We are now finalizing the 5th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“,
dedicated to a movie format over 50 years old
Karlsruhe 2009 Goodies
70mm Foreword,
Wolfram Hannemann's introductions |
the Cinemas!
By Thomas Hauerslev
Less than 100 films were made in 65mm. Still, those titles
have acquired such an aura
of mystique, that
fans are flying in from around the world to see
them. |
der Kinos!
Von Thomas Hauerslev
In den 50er und 60er Jahren gab es weniger als 100 Filme in 70mm. Dennoch
haben diese Titel einen derartigen Zauber entwickelt, wie das Königtum Kino,
so dass Fans aus allen Teilen der Welt anreisen, um sie zu sehen. |
By Thomas Hauerslev
It is time to move inside and see films again.
Film Introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
You are probably accustomed to my German-sounding
English, which still hasn‘t improved much. To all those of
you who are here for the first time I can assure you that my
German is worse than my English. |
Todd-AO Festival
By Thomas Hauerslev
70mm film festival in the Schauburg Kino in Karlsruhe
October 2008. 70mm films presented on the huge curved screen
in all their screen splendour. |
making of" Tanakh Bibelen al-Quran
By Ole Mads Sirks Vevle
A totally new presentation, a radical shift of perspective. Instead of
focusing on the literal meaning of the text, I would focus on the
underlying structures that enable meaning to appear. |
P. Siegmund, a small bio
was born in Bremen, Germany in 1925. We left for New York and arrived on
September 13, 1930 and left immediately for Rochester, New York. |
Last Valley" introduction
By Udo Heimansberg
“The Last Valley“ was first shown in German cinemas in 1971.
Although it had been filmed in 70mm, only 35mm copies
(Technicolor print copies!) were used to present it. |
Festival introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
The meaning of life is 70mm wide and has 6 track
stereophonic sound! And obviously I am not the only one who
is thinking so – just look at this amazing audience! |
Todd-AO FestivaL 2007
By Thomas Hauerslev
This is
a BIG weekend, in the BIG film format on our a
BIG screen. Be a part of this unique event and share the excitement together with visitors from all around the world |
Von Grant Lobban
Mit "Blow-up" bezeichnet man eine 70mm Kopie, die durch
optische Vergrößerung eines kleineren Formates, meistens
35mm, hergestellt wurde. |
Nobody Does it Better
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Die offenkundige Lösung ist, einen großformatigen 70mm-Film mit seiner
gegenüber dem Standardfilm dreifachen Auflösung zu verwenden. Bei 70 mm ist
weniger Vergrößerung erforderlich, und die verbesserte Qualität ist sofort
bemerkbar. Es wird eine sehr eindrucksvolle Erfahrung für die meisten sein,
anders als alles, was sie bis dahin gesehen haben. |
Nobody Does it Better
By Thomas Hauerslev
The obvious solution is to use large format 70mm film with its 3X times
the resolution of standard film. With 70mm, less magnification is
required and the improved quality is noticeable at once. It will be a
high-impact experience for most people, unlike anything they have seen
previously. |
Todd-AO festival Reviews
The heroes of the weekend were the 2 projectionists Vincent
and Markus who both did a terrific job! |
Film Introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
I'm your host during this 3rd Todd-AO 70mm weekend |
Todd-AO Festival 2006
By Thomas Hauerslev
During a full [2006] October weekend, classic epics will be shown in the impressive
70mm format on a huge 136 sqm curved screen in the famous classic cinema.
Come and celebrate with us the BIG weekend, in the BIG film format on our a
BIG screen. Share the excitement with visitors from all around the world -
including Germany, Denmark, England, USA and France - and hopefully many
Highlight from the 2nd Todd-AO Festival in Karlsruhe,
October 2006. |
Introductions by
Wolfram Hannemann
By Wolfram Hannemann
It's my pleasure to welcome you to the second
Todd-AO 70mm film festival with which we are also
celebrating this theatre’s one hundredth birthday. |
Kino & Theater
By Herbert Born
A 50th anniversary is celebrated in gigantic proportions in
October. 50 years ago Todd-AO introduced the 70mm format with its large and
sharp images, almost three dimensional, and sound with five channels behind
the screen and surround effects in the cinema. |
Todd-AO Epilouge
By Walter Siegmund
can at least say, we once had our day and perhaps we
did leave our mark on the revival of motion pictures
- fifty years ago. |
70mm is Back by Popular Demand
By Thomas Hauerslev
Highlight from the 1st Todd-AO Festival in Karlsruhe,
October 2005. |
70mm Weekend Reviews
The view from the front row, the ultimate test for focus and clarity in
projection, was fantastic. We enjoyed a crystal clear and sharply focussed
projected image throughout. |
Review of the
2005 Karlsruhe 70mm Weekend
By Clemens Scherer
Our thanks to
Herbert Born and the whole team for this successful festival. With good
hopes we now await the rebirth of more classics. |
Printed Program
By Herbert Born
I'm pleased to announce the
web publication of all our printed programs brochures from the past
Todd-AO Festivals. Publication also include our free monthly magazine
(in German) with our current program. All free of charge for on-line
reading and free down-load. |

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