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2004 Academy Member
Anthony B. Sloman
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The 70mm Newsletter
by: Howard Rust |
March 2004 |
Sloman (center) flanked by John Belton (r) and Thomas Hauerslev (l)
Picture by Paul Rayton.
This year, our nominee for inclusion in The Academy of Widescreen is a true "child of the cinema".
A lifetime devotee of everything cinematic.
He could accurately be described as a "Human Movie Database".
His recall of the most obscure incident, character, director, or even musical theme of some long-forgotten film is phenomenal.
His knowledge of film formats, aspect ratios and technical data is equally as impressive.
He is involved with all aspects of film production.
In addition to ensuring that both the script and the budget work in practical terms.......
That the cast and the director are suitably appropriate......
He is frequently responsible for the final mixing, the previews, the marketing, and ultimately, the sales.
His experience has been invaluable on such international productions as "A Rumour of Angels" starring Vanessa Redgrave, "A Map of the World" starring Sigourney Weaver and "Driftwood" starring James Spader.
His career began with an extensive period spent on sound stages and in cutting rooms, working on such films as "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" and "One Million Years BC".
Subsequent television work included assignments on such diverse projects as "The Prisoner" and "London's Burning".
He served as an elected Governor of The British Film Institute and his accomplishments include...
Programming for, and interviewing at, London's National Film Theatre
Regularly reviewing for both the BBC and the national press.
And teaching Film at The University of London.
Nevertheless, every year since 1997 he has made the trip beyond Watford Gap in order to be with us at Widescreen Weekend.
A most welcome and valued friend, And supporter of the superb National Museum of Photography and Television, here in Bradford.
I am delighted to call upon Tony Sloman to accept this nomination.
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