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Alf R. Bjercke passed away
December 9, 2011, ninety years old | Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
| Written by: Kaare
Terland, Olso, Norway | Date:
14.12.2011 |
Bjerke, Technical Advisor on "Windjammer" seen here in Oslo,
January 2011. Image by Thomas Hauerslev
Alf R. Bjercke was a renowned
person in Norway as a business executive, business investor and politician.
He also served as member of many national and international associations and
committees, among them also the Norwegian Olympic Committee.
In the mid-fifties he co-chaired on the Board of The Christian Radich
Foundation in Oslo. In that position he became instrumental in the
negotiation with Louis de Rochemont II in using the S/S Christian Radich as
the windjammer in the Cinemiracle production.
Alf R. Bjercke did not only succeed getting the signature contracting the
ship for the voyage, he also acted as the liason throughout the entire
voyage, between the ship and the foundation’s HQ in Oslo.
S/S Christian Radich is a square-rigged sailing ship traditionally acting as
a prep school for young boys before entering the Norwegian merchant marine.
To day the ship is charted half of the year by the Royal Norwegian Navy to
develop character, courage and integrity among their young soldiers before
they enter modern high-tech navy ships.
| More in 70mm reading:
"Windjammer" Cast & Crew Interviews in Oslo
"Windjammer" in Cinemiracle
On the Trail of "Windjammer" - A
Visit to Oslo
Lasse Kolstad passed away
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09-01-25 | |