at the Schauburg. Todd-AO Festival Report
By Thomas Hauerslev
Every year in October a group of around 200 people meet in a cinema in
Baden-Württemberg, in the south of Germany. A large part of the audience
comes from Germany of course, but there are guests from all over Europe, the
United States and as far away as Japan. What are they doing? They are
watching classic 70MM films, many of which they often have seen many times
before. |
Playback of magnetic
sound tracks on 70mm cinema prints at the Schauburg
By Clemens Scherer
At the Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe the decision was made to have new
sound heads manufactured, not the usual ones, but with an updated position
of the pickups to reflect the average shrinkage of the prints. Running over
these sound heads, all the tracks are oscillating more symmetrically to
their pickups. One could consider in addition to have new guidance rollers
manufactured, optimized for the now smaller prints. |
magnetic sound equipment for 70mm
By Clemens Scherer
Earlier solutions for the reproduction of magnetic
sound recordings were developed for new prints |
Curved Harkness 70mm Screen For Schauburg
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Schauburg Cinerama in
Karlsruhe will get a new screen installed early in September 2015. The
current screen was 9 year old and we needed to replace it. Since we can take
the screen aside and use the back stage for live performances too, wear and
tear was starting to show on our screen. It is a Harkness Perlux 140 with a
1,4 gain which gives the most neutral colors and most pleasing look of all
screen types and helps to eliminate the cross reflections of the deeply
curved Cinerama screen at the Schauburg. |
Cinema System Helps 70mm Cinema Go Back To The Future
By Alcons / Schauburg
Behind the evocative
chandeliers and velvet curtains, an ongoing programme of technical
modernisation has seen the latest formats running alongside 70mm
Cinema System verhilft 70-mm-Cinerama Filmpalast zurück in die Zukunft
Von Alcons / Schauburg
Bei einem Upgrade der Beschallungsanlage wurden in der Schauburg in
Karlsruhe fünf großformatige Pro-Ribbon-Lautsprecher CR4 von Alcons
Audio installiert. Auf verfahrbaren Türmen können in der Schauburg
großformatige Kino-Frontsysteme Alcons Audio CR4 positioniert werden |
new DP75 70MM Projector for sale
By Herbert Born
Complete Philips / Kinoton DP75 70MM Projector for sale at the Schauburg Cinerama in
Karlsruhe in Germany. The machine have only 11 hours of running
time and is as such brand new. The DP75 is equipped for 70mm, complete with DATASAT
70MM reader and Panavision's Ultra Panavision 70 projection lens. The
machine is ready to Show "The Hateful Eight" in Ultra Panavision 70. |
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the history of motion pictures, a film occasionally has
captured some moment of the human adventure in a manner to
transcend its initial goal of entertainment. These films not
only are long remembered but become a vital part of our
In "2OO1: A
SPACE ODYSSEY" Stanley Kubrick has created such a
film. It offers entertainment in abundance. But no greater
compliment can be paid a motion picture than to use it as a
yardstick by which to judge other pictures in later years.
"2OO1: A SPACE ODYSSEY" is this kind of picture.
Robert H. O'Brien, President, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. |

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NEUE 70mm Filmkopie
von „2001: odyssee im weltraum“ in der Schauburg |
3-strip 70MM Print of "Vigilant Switzerland" recently found in Archves of
the Swiss Army
By Herbert Born
This is the only existing 3-panel-70mm print of this movie. A total of 5
prints were made for the LAUSANNE FAIR in 1964. Projected with 3 70mm
projectors on a 450 square meters screen. |
Cinerama restores "Vigilant Switzerland"
By Herbert Born
All three panels were scanned from the original and faded but mint 70mm
archive prints and are now in the process of being color graded to get the
original look back. "FORTRESS OF PEACE" will be shown in 70mm at the 2014
Todd-AO 70mm festival this October. An original 3-Panel-screening of the
DCP's in work is planned later this year. |
Restaurierung im
Von Herbert Born
Einer meiner Mitarbeiter, Vincent Koch, hat aber seit vielen Jahren ein
Computer Bildbearbeitungsprogramm geschrieben und ständig
weiterentwickelt, das aus den gefadeten Bildinformationen den
Ursprungszustand zurückrechnen kann. Darauf hin und nach einigen Test
bekamen wir den Auftrag, diese Restauration er 3 Filmrollen
durchzuführen |
PAMPAS" will get a
4k digital
By Thomas
Schauburg Digital
Division will scan a
pristine original
70mm print from the
first release in
1966, which came
directly from the
65mm camera
original. This print
already has the
color corrections,
but it is faded. The
print will be
cleaned and scanned
at 4K Resolution.
Schauburg's scan
expert Vincent Koch
will restore the
color. |
Pampas" released 19. December 2016 on German BluRay and 4K UltraHD
By Thomas Hauerslev
the fans of "Savage Pampas" here's finally the news you have been
waiting for. On 19. December 2016, the new BluRay and 4K UltraHD disc of the
classic MCS 70 Superpanorama western is finally available in stores. The new
transfer was made directly from an original and very sharp vintage 70mm print,
which was faded to the familiar red tones. Thanks to the talent of scan
master Mr. Vincent Koch in
Karlsruhe, Germany, the full color spectrum has been brought back in its
full glory to be enjoyed by the fans. |
Wiederaufführung der
Sprachfassung in
restaurierter 4K
Schauburg Cinerama
Press Bureau
Am Vorabend unseres
präsentieren wir den
Film erstmals in
einer digitalen
4K-Version, die von
einer original
abgetastet und
hochwertig digital
restauriert wurde.
Zu unserer
Sondervorstellung am
21. September um 20
Uhr erwarten wir
prominente Gäste,
die maßgeblich bei
der Entstehung des
Films beteiligt
waren. |

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"Hercules Conquers
Atlantis" at the
Schauburg in 70mm |

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Book presentation
and screening in
presence of the
author Nils Daniel
Peiler |
| |
Last Billboard Painter of Karlsruhe
By Herbert Born
We are proud to use Mr. Haas' skills on our facade.
Few cinemas have room for it, but we do, and the audience appreciate the
work he does |
is Herbert Born?
Manager of the Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe.
I was born in the same year
as CinemaScope had it’s public birthday |
passing of Georg Fricker
By Peter Kohl, Karlsruhe
The great Karlsruhe cinema entrepreneur Georg Fricker is dead. He
passed away last Saturday [07.06.2008] in a clinic near Munich. |
Fricker ist tot
Von Peter Kohl, Karlsruhe
Der große Karlsruher Kinomacher Georg Fricker ist tot. Er starb am
vergangenen Samstag [07.06.2008] in einem Klinikum bei München. Gezeichnet von einem
Schlaganfall und einem Krebsleiden konnte man ihm in den letzten Jahren
noch einige Male begegnen - als unscheinbarem Gast in seinem eigenen
Kino, der Schauburg. |
new Schauburg is unrecognizable
Badische Neueste
The renovation in 1968 did not take quite as long as the almost 3 years it
had taken to produce the film, and was completed, including the golden
wallpaper, for approx. DM 300,000. By today’s standards that is an
incredibly small sum for such a conversion of Karlsruhe’s first large-capacity
cinema. Those responsible undertook a strategy of using technically
innovative and aesthetically pleasing design techniques in order to
benefit the public. |
neue Schauburg ist nicht wiederzuerkennen
By Badische Neueste Nachrichten
Nicht ganz so lange wie die fast 3-jährigen Dreharbeiten hat der – trotz
goldener Tapeten – die für heutige Verhältnisse verschwindend geringe Summe von ca. 300.000 DM verschlingende Kino-Umbau zum ersten Karlsruher
Großraumkino gedauert. Die Strategie der Verantwortlichen bestand darin,
sich die Gunst des Publikums durch technisch einschneidende und
ästhetisch ansprechende Umbaumaßnahmen zu erkämpfen. |
"The Story of the Schauburg"
A new 240-page book about one of Germany's leading independent cinemas, the great Schauburg Cinerama Kino in Karlsruhe |
DP70 Color Enhancer
By Dottore Buenocorso
An extremely valuable tool when you are showing older
films in pink. On this machine the original Technicolor glory can be restored in a few
seconds |
FESTIVAL 2005-2023 |

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Todd-AO Festival 2005-2023 |

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