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10th Todd-AO Festival at the Schauburg
October 3 - 5, 2014 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Herbert Born /
Thomas Hauerslev,
Schauburg Cinerama Theatre, Karlsruhe, Germany |
29.08.2014. Updated
22-01-25 |
August 2014 / in70mm.com news. We have launched the
10th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ to be held from 3 - 5
October 2014 at the Schauburg in Karlsruhe, Germany.
For three days in October Filmtheater Schauburg
celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film, by offering
a series of epic films in 70mm - the HD of film formats. Some films are in their original versions and
some "70mm Vintage Classics", are dubbed into German.
Once again spectacular large format process names like CINERAMA, Super Technirama
70, DEFA70, Todd-AO, Panavision 70 and Super Panavision 70 will light
up on the large 18 meter curved Cinerama screen.
Let us hope, that the splendour of 70mm not only serves our nostalgic dreams, but also offers the chance for a young audience to experience a historic and magic landmark of cinema.
Join us and be part of this unique event and share the excitement together with visitors from all around the world - including Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Denmark, England, USA and France - and hopefully many more.
One of very few original cinemas, still equipped with 70mm projectors.
The huge screen is wide, curved and covered by a "Cinerama red" curtain. It’s the perfect framework
to present 70mm with 6-track sound in
Super Technirama 70, DEFA 70, Todd-AO and Ultra Panavision 70.
• "in 70mm" is unlike anything you have ever seen - a High Definition movie experience with extremely sharp images and crystal clear 6 track stereo.
• "in 70mm" is
very realistic, almost three dimensional and can make everything you
have ever seen pale into insignificance.
But don't take our word for it - come and see for your self.
More in 70mm reading:
Todd-AO Festival Home
• 10. Todd-AO Festival
• Wilkommen |
Intro | Festival
2014 Festival Flyer (PDF)
Festival Archives
Festival Through the Years
Festival Schedule
and Archive
More Schauburg Cinerama
Festivals in Pictures
Schauburg Cinerama
Best of Todd-AO Festival
• Guests |
Billboards |
Internet link:
• Ticket reservation
Filmtheater Schauburg
Herbert Born
Marienstraße 16
76137 Karlsruhe
Latest news:
Festival flyer (PDF)
• Schauburg Premieres New "Oklahoma!" DCP
• Poster Displays
erste 70mm Panorama-Spielfilm
• Schauburg Celebrates
Sensurround's 40th Anniversary and shows "Earthquake" in 70MM
The Greatest Show in
Todd-AO Mission
Report from
All 70mm films will be projected by vintage and historically correct
Philips DP70 and DP75 projectors.
Magnetic sound by new Winkler pickups, SCS preamplifiers, Dolby
Laboratories sound equipment and state of the art Alcon speakers.
Herbert Born Filmtheater Schauburg
Tickets will be available for purchase very soon.
For more information about the film festival, including screening times,
visit: www.schauburg.de
and www.in70mm.com
Media contact; Herbert Born
Thursday, 2. October 2014
The Schauburg
Cinerama's practical information |
Weekend pass EURO 100,00 |
entrance EURO 10,00 per show |
Day-Pass: 40,00,
• GALA on Saturday evening EURO 11,00
(includes welcome drink)
• Students EURO 7,00 |
Children EURO 5,00.
• Weekend-pass for students is Euro 70,00 |
Day-Pass Students:
The weekend pass includes entrance to all screenings at the festival,
the festival brochure.
The Weekend Pass also includes the following additional bonuses:
• Welcome Coffee/Tee, Softdrink on arrival • Festival Program brochure • Entrance to Friday's get together with free beer specialties from the local HOEPFNER brewery • Breakfast buffet on Saturday and Sunday morning at 09.00 in the SCHAUBURG
Cinerama lounge
• Dinner break on Friday
• Complimentary lunch and dinner break on Saturday and Sunday
• Meet the film people
On line ticket reservation
Festival Hotel
Renaissance Hotel
76131 Karlsruhe
Reservations can be made either via
e-mail, online using this
link or as follows:
Tel: +49-721 3717 381
Fax: +49-721 3717 333
Special rates will be offered for festival attendees at the
Renaissance Karlsruhe Hotel. Always mention „Schauburg“
Alternative hotels, use
hrs.de to find accommodation.
Todd-AO Festival - Weekend Film Program
= German language version. I =
introduction and intermission 20 min

"This is culturally, a very
ambitious, courageous and original programme with some very rare items.
It will be good to see "The Flaming Years" Again after nearly 50 years.
Congratulations to you and Herbert for creating a festival Programme
that is quite unique. Very much looking forward to it."
Best wishes to you and Herbert.
Mark Lyndon, London
Friday, 3. October 2014
09:30 - 10:30 Festival Welcome |
Welcome with Coffee/Tea. Meet and greet friends of 70mm and
curved screens. Talk about vinegar, pink prints and Big Bores.
See pictures
from 9th Todd-AO Festival.
This festival, dedicated to a movie format nearly 60 years old, is
a dream for a lot of movie fans around the world. Today, movies
and cinemas have reached a time of change – a change from film
based to digital cinema and a change in the way movies are felt
and understood. We are sure, that our “Todd-AO 70mm Festival”
presented on the curved screen of the Schauburg not only will
make you remember cinema-going from a time long ago, but also
make you aware of the responsibility we all have: To honour the
genius of so many people who have given us stories and
unforgettable moments in breathtaking and crystal clear large
format pictures.
Let us hope, that the splendour of 70mm not only serves our
nostalgic dreams, but also offers the chance for a young
audience to experience a historic and magic landmark of cinema.
Herbert Born
Schauburg Kino
Karlsruhe, Germany
- 13:09
"Goodbye, Mr. Chips" + I |
 Original titel:
Goodbye, Mr. Chips / USA 1969.
Filmed in 35mm Panavision Anamorphic (2,39:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 139 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 05.11.1969.
German premiere: 26.03.1970.
Produktion: Arthur P. Jacobs. Regie: Herbert Ross.
Buch: Terence Rattigan. Vorlage: James Hilton
(Roman). Kamera: Oswald Morris. Musik: Leslie
Bricusse, John Williams. Schnitt: Ralph Kemplen
Darsteller: Peter O'Toole (Arthur Chipping), Petula Clark
(Katherine Bridges), Michael Redgrave (Headmaster), Michael
Bryant (Max Staefel), George Baker (Lord Sutterwick)
Erinnerungen eines alternden College-Lehrers, dem die Heirat mit
einer liebenswerten unstandesgemäßen Frau berufliche
Schwierigkeiten, aber auch die Zuneigung seiner Schüler brachte.
Romantisch-sentimentale Bestsellerverfilmung mit Musical-Elementen.
Bemerkenswert die Darstellung der kauzigen Hauptfigur durch
Peter O'Toole. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
45th Anniversay
Roadshow Screening with intermission
• Special screening in honor of
Peter O'Toole
Academy Awards, Nominated
• Best Actor in a Leading Role: Peter O'Toole
• Best Music, Score of a Musical Picture: Leslie Bricusse & John
• 70mm Blow Up List
13:10 - 14:30 Coffee & Kuchen
/ Afternoon tea & coffee |
In the
Splendor of 70mm
In the Splendor of 70mm (in German)
Since the dawn of cinema the standard film size has been 35mm film, but for
certain films, the larger 65mm negative was used in the camera to ensure the
best possible image quality. The benefit was a clearer and sharper screen
image compared to "inferior" 35mm films. The "big" films
often premiered in the largest cinemas, featuring huge screens that
were often deeply curved - compared to contemporary flat screens.
The curvature of the screen had an enveloping effect on the
audience which gave them a feeling of participation in the
action on the screen.
Book signing at the Schauburg |
Wolthuis from The Netherlands will be present during the
10th Todd-AO Festival, to do book signing of his latest
Widescreen History. Johan will also present his
large Archive books from “Around the World in 80
Days” and “Oklahoma!” which contain a lot of
original advertisements and articles from magazines,
etc. from the fifties.
- 17:48 "KLK
an PTX – die Rote Kapelle“
+ I |
Original titel: KLK an PTX – die Rote Kapelle /
DDR 1971.
Filmed in 70mm DEFA 70 (2,21:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 178 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 25.03.1971, Kino
International, East Berlin, DDR
Produktion: Heinz Herrmann, Wolfgang Rennebarth. Regie:
Horst E. Brandt. Buch: Wera Küchenmeister, Claus
Küchenmeister, Horst E. Brandt
Kamera: Günter Haubold, Werner Heydn. Musik:
Helmut Nier. Schnitt: Erika Lehmphul
Darsteller: Horst Drinda (Dr. Dr. Arvid Harnack), Irma
Münch (Dr. Mildred Harnack), Horst Schulze (Dr. Adam Kuckhoff),
Barbara Adolph (Greta Kuckhoff), Klaus Piontek (Harro Schulze-Boysen),
Jutta Wachowiak (Libertas Schulze-Boysen), Harry Pietzsch
(Walter Küchenmeister)
Die Geschichte der Widerstandsgruppe Schulze-Boysen/Harnack, in
der sich Angehörige der verschiedenen Klassen und Schichten des
deutschen Volkes und Vertreter unterschiedlicher
Weltanschauungen im Kampf gegen den Faschismus vereinigten. Ein
groß angelegtes Filmepos, das weniger um äußerlich dramatische
Zuspitzung als um genaue Charakter- und Motivschilderung bemüht
ist. Ende der sechziger Jahre nicht zuletzt als zeitgemäßer
Aufruf zur Einheit friedliebender Kräfte unter Führung der
Sowjetunion konzipiert. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Roadshow version with intermission
• Looking for DEFA
18:00 - 19:00 Gemeinsames Essen / Buffett |
Gemeinsames Essen / Buffett
This is a BIG weekend, in the BIG
film format on our a BIG screen. Be a part of this unique event
and share the excitement together with visitors from all around
the world - including Germany, Denmark, England, USA and France
- and hopefully many more.
For three days
"Filmtheater Schauburg", presents a
dozen classic film epics in the king of all film formats: 70mm.
This is a High Definition movie experience with extremely sharp images and
vintage clear 6-track stereo.
19:00 - 22:07 "The Alamo" + I |
 Original titel:
The Alamo
/ USA 1960.
Filmed in
(2,21:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 167 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 24.10.1960.
German premiere: 26.01.1961.
Produktion: John Wayne. Regie: John Wayne. Buch:
James Edward Grant. Kamera: William H. Clothier. Musik:
Dimitri Tiomkin. Schnitt: Stuart Gilmore
Darsteller: John Wayne (Col. David Crockett), Laurence
Harvey (Col. William Travis), Richard Widmark (Col. James
Bowie), Richard Boone (General Sam Huston), Frankie Avalon (Smitty),
Patrick Wayne (Cap. James Butler Bonham), Hank Worden (Pfarrer),
Linda Cristal (Flaca), Joan O'Brien (Mrs. Dickinson), Chill
Wills (Barkeeper)
Die Verteidigung von Fort Alamo gegen die mexikanische Übermacht
im Freiheitskampf der Texaner 1836 durch 185 Freiwillige bis zum
letzten Mann. Monumentaler Kriegsfilm mit fragwürdiger
Heldenverehrung: In dekorativen Bildern wird eine bedenkliche
Bewunderung von Todesmut und Führertum zelebriert. Filmisch
überzeugt die Produktion durch Aufwand und Tempo und die
gefühlvolle Inszenierung. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Academy Awards
• Oscar Best Sound: Gordon Sawyer & Fred Hynes
Academy Awards Nominated
• Best Picture John Wayne
• Best Actor in a Supporting Role Chill Wills
• Best Cinematography, Color William H. Clothier
• Best Film Editing Stuart Gilmore
• Best Music, Original Song
Dimitri Tiomkin
(music) & Paul Francis Webster (lyrics) For the song "The Green
Leaves of Summer"
• Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture
Dimitri Tiomkin
Roadshow version with intermission
The Reconstruction of "The
"The Alamo" lost 70mm version
You are in the Show with Todd-AO
From 22.00 Get together with Hoepfner and
friends |
Herbert Born, theatre manager of the Schauburg will again - personally - and
with great skills, serve chilled Hoepfner Brau to everyone after the
Alamo adventure.
The Get Together is always very popular, so be sure to stand in line. Our
friend at Hoepfner Brau have have kindly sponsored the beer. |
. |
Saturday, 4. October 2014
09.00 - 10.00 Full 70mm Breakfast |
weekend Schauburg 70mm Breakfast for festival pass holders
in Schauburg Cinerama Lounge on the 1st. floor.
Enjoy hot and cold, bread and fruit, coffee and tea, juice and
more fresh fruit, bacon, milk, eggs, pretzel and buns and
something for the sweet tooth too!
10:00 - 12:32
"Die Blechtrommel" + I |
Original titel:
Die Blechtrommel / West Germany 1979.
Filmed in 35mm spherical widescreen (1,66:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 142 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 03.05.1979.
Produktion: Franz Seitz, Anatole Dauman. Regie:
Volker Schlöndorff. Buch: Jean-Claude Carrière, Volker
Schlöndorff, Franz Seitz. Vorlage: Günter Grass (Roman).
Kamera: Igor Luther. Musik: Maurice Jarre,
Friedrich Meyer. Schnitt: Suzanne Baron
Darsteller: David Bennent (Oskar Matzerath), Angela
Winkler (Agnes Matzerath), Mario Adorf (Alfred Matzerath),
Daniel Olbrychski (Jan Bronski), Katharina Thalbach (Maria),
Heinz Bennent (Greff), Andréa Ferréol (Lina Greff), Charles
Aznavour (Sigismund Markus), Mariella Oliveri (Roswitha), Ilse
Pagé (Gretchen Scheffler), Otto Sander (Musiker Meyn)
An seinem dritten Geburtstag verweigert der 1924 in der Freien
Stadt Danzig geborene Oskar Matzerath weiteres Wachstum und
Teilnahme an der Welt der Erwachsenen. Auf seiner Blechtrommel
artikuliert das ewige Kind seinen Protest gegen Nazis und
Mitläufer, und erst nach Kriegsende fasst Oskar den Beschluss,
wieder zu wachsen, um mitzubestimmen. Schlöndorffs brillant
inszenierte, weitgehend werktreue Verfilmung des Romans von
Günter Grass. Eine opulente Bestseller-Verfilmung voller
sinnlicher Kraft. Der Film wurde u.a. mit dem "Oscar" für den "besten
nichtenglischsprachigen Film" ausgezeichnet. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
35th Anniversay Screening
Academy Award
• Best Foreign Language Film, West Germany
Cannes Film Festival 1979
• Palme d'Or, Volker Schlöndorff
- 14:37 "Eolomea" + I |
Original titel: Eolomea /
DDR 1971.
Filmed in 70mm DEFA 70 (2,21:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 82 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 22.09.1972, Kino
International, East Berlin, DDR.
Regie: Herrmann Zschoche. Buch: Herrmann Zschoche.
Kamera: Günter Jaeuthe. Musik: Günther Fischer.
Schnitt: Helga Gentz
Darsteller: Cox Habbema (Prof. Maria Scholl), Iwan
Andonow (Daniel Lagny), Wsewolod Sanajew (Kun, der Lotse), Rolf
Hoppe (Olo Tal), Petar Slabakow (Pierre Brodski), Wolfgang
Greese (Ratsvorsitzender), Benjamin Besson (Sima Kun), Holger
Mahlich (Navigator), Jürgen Scharfenberg (Havarietechniker)
Das Verschwinden von acht Raumschiffen stellt die
Weltraumbehörde vor ein Rätsel. Es stellt sich schließlich
heraus, daß die Gesuchten zu einem gewagten Unternehmen
zusammengefunden haben. Sie wollen Lichterscheinungen überprüfen,
die aus einem 12 Lichtjahre entfernten Sternbild registriert
werden. Weitgehend spannungsloser DEFA-Science-Fiction-Film. (Quelle:
• Looking for DEFA
12.30 - 13.15 Coffee & Kuchen
/ Afternoon tea & coffee |
In the
Splendor of 70mm
In the Splendor of 70mm (in German)
During a full weekend, gigantic epics
are shown in the impressive Todd-AO 70mm format on a huge 136 sqm curved screen in the classic cinema. The Schauburg
Cinerama is one of the few surviving cinemas, with 70mm
projectors, a red curtain and the huge curved screen. It’s the
perfect framework for the presentation of these vintage 70mm
16:00 - 18:42 "2OO1: A Space Odyssey"
+ I |
 Original titel:
2OO1: A Space
Odyssey / USA 1968.
Filmed in
Super Panavision 70 (2,21:1). Presented in
70mm Cinerama (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 142 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 02.04.1968.
German premiere: 11.11.1968.
Produktion: Stanley Kubrick. Regie: Stanley
Kubrick. Buch: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke.
Vorlage: Arthur C. Clarke (Kurzgeschichte). Kamera:
Geoffrey Unsworth, John Alcott. Musik: Aram
Khatschaturian, Richard Strauss, Johann Strauß, György Ligeti.
Schnitt: Ray Lovejoy
Darsteller: Keir Dullea (David Bowman), Gary Lockwood (Frank
Poole), William Sylvester (Dr. Heywood Floyd), Leonard Rossiter
(Smyslov), Daniel Richter (Mondbeobachter), Robert Beatty (Halvorsen),
Frank Miller (Chef der Expedition), Ed Bishop
Ein geheimnisvoller schwarzer Monolith, der offenbar von
Außerirdischen stammt, beeinflusst in grauer Vorzeit die
Entstehung von Intelligenz und den "Aufbruch der Menschheit",
wird Jahrtausende später von Wissenschaftlern auf dem Mond
entdeckt und lockt ein Forschungsraumschiff in Richtung Jupiter.
Die Mission endet nach dem Versagen des Bordcomputers mit einer
Katastrophe; der einzig überlebende Astronaut begegnet der
außerirdischen Macht und erfährt eine kosmische Wiedergeburt.
Kubricks fantastisches Kinoabenteuer vereint technische Utopie
und kulturphilosophische Spekulation zu einer Weltraumoper von
überwältigendem Ausmaß. Der kühne gedankliche Entwurf des Films
(eine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit voller Skepsis und
bitterer Ironie) wird mit nicht minder kühnen optischen Effekten
und einer revolutionären Tricktechnik realisiert, die das Genre
des Science-Fiction-Films in den folgenden Jahren entscheidend
prägten. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Roadshow version with intermission
Academy Awards
• Best Effects, Special Visual Effects: Stanley Kubrick
Academy Awards Nominated
• Best Director: Stanley Kubrick
• Best Writing, Story and Screenplay: Stanley Kubrick & Arthur
C. Clarke
• Best Art Direction-Set Decoration: Anthony Masters, Harry
Lange & Ernest Archer
Douglas Trumbull - A Conversation
The Importance of Panavision
18:30 - 20:00 Dinner/Imbiß - Break |
Gemeinsames Essen / Buffett
See pictures
from 9th Todd-AO Festival and a gallery of all past festivals on
the ultra sharp and curved 78" 4K foyer
"Roadshow", "Six-track", "Intermission", "Curved screen", "Epic" -- all
familiar words for the knowledgeable 70mm fan. Words we all know and love,
because we know what they mean: A return to the Schauburg in Karlsruhe, and
the annual gathering of fans of large format film. 3 days where we all go
wide-eyed for 12 hours each day.
- 22:33
+ I |
 Original titel:
Earthquake / USA 1974. Filmed in 35mm Panavision Anamorphic (2,39:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo with
German version / 123 minutes / Original premiere print.
World premiere: 15.11.1974.
German premiere: 14.02.1975.
Produktion: Mark Robson. Regie: Mark Robson.
Buch: George Fox, Mario Puzo. Kamera: Philip Lathrop.
Musik: John Williams. Schnitt: Dorothy Spencer
Darsteller: Charlton Heston (Stuart Graff), Ava Gardner
(Remy Graff), George Kennedy (Lew Slade), Lorne Greene (Sam
Royce), Geneviève Bujold (Denise)
Die Zerstörung der Stadt Los Angeles in einem großen Erdbeben.
Katastrophenfilm mit verblüffend realistisch wirkenden
Zerstörungsszenen und vergleichsweise differenzierter Handlung.
Eine technisch perfekte Show. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
40th Anniversary
Roadshow Screening with intermission after the big rumble with fog
machines and water spraying into the audience.
Academy Awards
• Best Sound: Ronald Pierce & Melvin M. Metcalfe Sr.
• Special Achievement Award For visual effects: Frank Brendel, Glen
Robinson & Albert Whitlock
Academy Awards Nominated
• Best Cinematography: Philip H. Lathrop
• Best Art Direction-Set Decoration: Alexander Golitzen, E. Preston Ames
& Frank R. McKelvy
• Best Film Editing: Dorothy Spencer
• Sensurround's
40th Anniversary
• 70mm Blow Up List
Sunday, 5. October 2014
09.00 - 10.00 Full 70mm Breakfast |
weekend Schauburg 70mm Breakfast for festival pass holders
in Schauburg Cinerama Lounge on the 1st. floor.
Enjoy hot and cold, bread and fruit, coffee and tea, juice and
more fresh fruit, bacon, milk, eggs, pretzel and buns and
something for the sweet tooth too!
- 11:48 "Jesus Christ Superstar" + I |
Original titel:
Jesus Christ Superstar / USA 1973.
Filmed in 35mm Todd-AO 35 Anamorphic (2,39:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. English Version with German
subtitles / 108 minutes /
Original premiere print. US premiere: 07.08.1973.
German premiere: 01.03.1974.
Produktion: Norman Jewison, Robert Stigwood. Regie:
Norman Jewison. Buch: Melvyn Bragg, Norman Jewison.
Vorlage: Tim Rice (Rockoper). Kamera: Douglas
Slocombe. Musik: Andrew Lloyd Webber. Schnitt:
Anthony Gibbs
Darsteller: Ted Neeley (Jesus), Carl Anderson (Judas),
Yvonne Elliman (Maria Magdalena), Robert Bingham (Kaiaphas),
Kurt Yahgjian (Annas), Barry Dennen (Pontius Pilatus), Larry T.
Marshall (Simon)
Die Filmversion der erfolgreichen "Rockoper": Eine Gruppe junger
Leute spielt in den Ruinen antiker Bauten in der Negev-Wüste
Stationen aus dem Leben Jesu und seiner Jünger. Der Akzent liegt
auf dem machtpolitischen Spannungsverhältnis, in das Jesus durch
den Massenerfolg seiner Predigten gerät. Judas wird als
tragische Figur interpretiert: Seine Skepsis und Verzweiflung
angesichts der zur Droge gewordenen christlichen Lehre - auf
deren sozialrevolutionäre Kraft er hoffte - treibt ihn zu Verrat
und Selbstmord. Die brillant fotografierte Inszenierung macht
sich mitunter selbst zum Thema, indem sie Starkult und
Showbusiness ironisiert, verdrängt diese kritischen Ansätze
jedoch durch kunstgewerbliche Musical-Bombastik. Interessant als
Dokument der Jugendkultur zu Beginn der 70er Jahre. (Quelle:
40th Anniversay of German Premiere Screening with intermission
Academy Awards, Nominated
Best Music, Scoring Original Song Score and/or Adaptation: André
Previn, Herbert W. Spencer & Andrew Lloyd Webber
BAFTA Awards, BAFTA Film Award
Best Sound Track: Les Wiggins, Gordon K. McCallum & Keith Grant
Grant's Blow-Up-Tagebuch
• Grant's Blow-Up Blog
• 70mm Blow Up List
13:00 - 13:45 My Todd-AO
Adventure |
Lecture by Thomas
Hauerslev about having Todd-AO as a hobby for
30 years. The places I've seen, and the people I've met.
von Thomas Hauerslev in englischer Sprache mit dänischem
Lecture includes ultra rare 65mm Todd-AO test footage
(In AnscoColor, with intact colors), filmed by Fred Zinnemann,
1953 with prototype Todd-AO camera #1. A short
distortion corrected clip from "Oklahoma!"
will also be shown. The short roll of 70mm will be cut up for souvenirs for the audience afterwards.
65mm Todd-AO Concept Tests
13:45 - 14:45 Coffee & Kuchen /
Afternoon tea & coffee |
In the Splendor of 70mm
In the Splendor of 70mm (in German)
Fall season is here, days are getting shorter, it is getting
colder, and it is time to move inside a cinema and see films again. Not
just any films, but BIGGER and BRIGHTER films. Not only that, but also
SHARPER and with more DEPTH than anything you can see in a cinema. It is
time for the 10th Todd-AO Festival, which celebrates everything that is
bigger and better in the cinema. Yes, it is time for 70MM FILMS!
14:45 - 16:15 Shorts, Trailers &
Specials |
of Peace" /
"Vigilant Switzerland"
(CH 1965)
Regie: John Fernhout
Aufgenommen in MCS 70 Superpanorama®, präsentiert in 70mm mit
6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / 20min. Vintage 70mm print courtesy of
Swiss Army Archive.
• "Sky over
Holland" (NL 1967)
Regie: John Fernhout
Aufgenommen in MCS 70 Superpanorama®, präsentiert in 70mm mit
6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / 22min.
"Wladimir lljitsch Uljanow Lenin" (DDR 1970)
Regie: Andrew & Annelie Thorndike
Aufgenommen in DEFA 70®, präsentiert in 70mm mit 6-Kanal Stereo
Magnetton / 53min. Rare,
and long forgotten
propaganda film, celebrating the brutal dictator's 100th
birthday. 70mm print courtesy
of the German Bundesarchive in Berlin. Dr. Ralf Schenk, Head of DEFA Stiftung will introduce
and will be available for discussions.
Book signing at the Schauburg |
Wolthuis from The Netherlands will be present during the
10th Todd-AO Festival, to do book signing of his latest
Widescreen History. Johan will also present his
large Archive books from “Around the World in 80
Days” and “Oklahoma!” which contain a lot of
original advertisements and articles from magazines,
etc. from the fifties.
- 18:10 "The Story of Flaming Years" + I |
Original titel: Povest Plamennykh Let /
Flammende Jahre / The Story
of the Flaming Years / USSR 1960.
Filmed in 70mm Sovscope 70 (2,21:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic stereo. German version / 91 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 23.01.1961.
DDR premiere: 18.01.1963.
Produktion: Alexandr Dovzhenko. Regie: Julia
Solnzewa. Buch: Alexander Dowshenko. Kamera:
Fjodor Proworow, Alexej Temerin. Musik: Gawriil Popow
Darsteller: Nikolai Wingranowski (Iwan Orljuk), Swetlana
Shgun (Uljana), Boris Andrejew (Glasunow), M. Majorow (Welitschko),
A. Bogdanowa (Antonina)
Mit starkem nationalen Pathos befrachteter Film über die
Befreiung der Ukraine vom Faschismus. In dramatischen und
lyrischen Episoden eindrucksvoll fotografiert. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Cannes Film Festival
• Best Director: Yuliya Solntseva
• Technical Grand Prize, Special Mention: Yuliya Solntseva
Cannes Film Festival Nominated
• Palme d'Or: Yuliya Solntseva
Der erste 70mm Panorama-Spielfilm
18:00 - 19:30 Dinner/Imbiß - Break |
Gemeinsames Essen / Buffett
Once again, the projector lens will light up the screen and show
unbelievably sharp 70mm images of lesser-known and rarely seen
films. Some of which only exist in this single 70mm print. Don’t
forget, some of these films would be completely forgotten a long
time ago, were it not for these rare 70mm prints. The sharpness
will still make it a pleasant experience. And as much as you may
hate in on TV, you will have fun seeing it in 70mm on the curve.
This is your opportunity to witness the grandeur and spectacle of nearly half a dozen Road-Show films on an authentic 70mm Cinerama cinema. Herbert Born and his staff have again done their utmost to make this weekend one of a kind. The Schauburg Cinerama is one of the last cinemas still equipped with 70mm projectors, a red curtain and a huge curved screen. An authentic cinema experience and LARGE FORMAT EVENT, uniquely Schauburg, to be shared with many friends from all over Europe.
…and now, "Gong", start projector, cue curtain, dim the lights,
open dowser, focus, check sound.....the show is
running.........another unforgettable weekend at the Schauburg!
19:30 - 00:00 "Die Hard" + "Die
Harder" Double Bill |
 Original titel:
Die Hard / USA 1988.
Filmed in 35mm Panavision Anamorphic (2,39:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic Dolby stereo. German version / 131 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 15.07.1988.
German premiere: 10.11.1988.
Produktion: Lawrence Gordon, Joel Silver. Regie:
John McTiernan. Buch: Jeb Stuart, Steven E. de Souza.
Vorlage: Roderick Thorp (Roman). Kamera: Jan de Bont.
Musik: Michael Kamen. Schnitt: Frank J. Urioste,
John F. Link
Darsteller: Bruce Willis (John McClane), Alan Rickman
(Hans Gruber), Bonnie Bedelia (Holly Genaro McClane), Alexander
Godunow (Karl), Reginald Veljohnson (Sgt. Al Powell), Paul
Gleason (Dwayne T. Robinson), De'voreaux White (Argyle)
Eine Gangsterbande besetzt am Weihnachtsabend das 30. Stockwerk
eines Bürohochhauses, nimmt die Gäste einer Party als Geiseln
und versucht, 640 Millionen Dollar in Wertpapieren aus dem Safe
eines japanischen Konzerns zu erbeuten. Ein zufällig anwesender
Polizist durchkreuzt in einem aussichtslos erscheinenden Kampf
gegen die Gangster und gegen die Tücken der Hochhaus-Elektronik
den ausgefeilten Plan. Unter Einsatz aller erdenklichen
technischen Raffinessen auf Hochspannung getrimmter harter
Action-Film, der in der zweiten Hälfte zunehmend an Ironie
gewinnt. Seine Rasanz und Dramatik erreicht er erst in der
70mm-Fassung und einem dementsprechend eingerichteten Kino.
Erwähnenswert: die gegenüber dem amerikanischen Original durch
Synchronisation und kleine Kürzungen veränderte Darstellung der
deutschen Gangster mit terroristischem Hintergrund. (Quelle:
Academy Awards Nominated
Best Sound
Best Film Editing
Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing
Best Effects, Visual Effects
• 70mm Blow Up List
 Original titel:
Die Harder / USA 1990.
Filmed in 35mm Panavision Anamorphic (2,39:1). Presented in
70mm (2,20:1) / 6 track magnetic Dolby stereo. German version / 124 minutes /
Original premiere print. World premiere: 02.07.1990.
German premiere: 25.10.1990.
Produktion: Lawrence Gordon, Joel Silver, Charles Gordon.
Regie: Renny Harlin. Buch: Steven E. de Souza,
Douglas Richardson. Vorlage: Roderick Thorp (Charaktere),
Walter Wager (Roman "58 Minutes"). Kamera: Oliver Wood,
Frank Holgate. Musik: Michael Kamen. Schnitt:
Stuart Baird, Robert A. Ferretti
Darsteller: Bruce Willis (John McClane), Bonnie Bedelia
(Holly McClane), William Atherton (Thornberg), Reginald
Veljohnson (Al Powell), Franco Nero (Esperanza), William Sadler
(Col. Stuart), John Amos (Capt. Grant), Dennis Franz (Carmine
Lorenzo), Sheila McCarthy (Samantha Copeland)
Um einen lateinamerikanischen Diktator und Drogenboß zu befreien,
der an die US-Behörden ausgeliefert werden soll, legt eine bis
an die Zähne bewaffnete und technisch raffiniert ausgestattete
Terroristen-Einheit den Flughafen von Washington lahm und läßt
ein Passagier-Flugzeug am Boden zerschellen. Ein Polizist aus
Los Angeles bringt praktisch im Alleingang das Unternehmen zum
Scheitern. Der spannende Kampf mit den Tücken moderner Technik,
der den Reiz von "Stirb langsam" (1987) ausmachte, weicht
oberflächlich konstruiertem, lautstarkem Aktionsreichtum mit nur
geringen Anzeichen von Ironie, aber um so mehr genreüblichen
Härten. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
“Die Hard” & “Die Harder” in Ultra Schauburgrama
Grant's Blow-Up-Tagebuch
• Grant's Blow-Up Blog
• 70mm Blow Up List
2014 Credits. The organisers wish to thank
the following individuals for their help
| |
Todd-AO 70mm Festival is generously supported by the Georg Fricker
Vincent Koch, Projection, Preparation prints
- Marcus Vetter, Projection
- Swiss Army Archive
- Wolfram Hannemann, LaserHotline, DE
- Schawn Belston, 20th Century Fox
- Hoepfner Privat Brau, DE
- Der Kurier, DE
• The
passing of Georg Fricker
• Georg Fricker ist tot
Go: back - top - back issues - news index Updated
22-01-25 |